GameMAG's Reviews
Nobody Wants to Die is a very beautiful and atmospheric detective thriller with interesting characters and deep investigations, on which you can spend a couple of evenings. But you should not expect explosive action and complex puzzles from this game.
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Until Then is still a visual novel, clinging to a large cultural stratum of contemporary culture. However, it is also a very emotional and lampooning story about growing up, friendship, betrayal and love.
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Nine Sols is a notable step for the Taipei-based studio, but too high a bar for a small game company to set.
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Shadow of the Edrtree expansion transported me back to Elden Ring in a surprising and nostalgic way. Two years later the game is still fresh as it's ever been - with unique pacing, artistic style and sense of progression. And if you ever stumble upon some annoying sections, you can always count on your fellow Mimic Tear friend.
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Even in the era of remasters and remakes from famous studios, the updated Riven doesn't look like a gray mouse. It's a beautiful quest with a high-quality "facelift".
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The problem is that at its core, PO'ed: Definitive Edition remains an extremely mediocre game with a couple good ideas.
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After getting acquainted with Tour de France 2024 you will stop cursing EA and other sports sim developers. Because the work of Cyanide Studio is the apotheosis of stagnation.
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Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is a rare example of an adventure that grabs attention not with contrived graphics or rivers of blood, but with non-linear structure and well thought-out puzzles.
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Tales of Kenzera: ZAU is an example of an interesting concept blighted by lazy implementation.
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Still Wakes the Deep seems dragged out and occasionally devoid of meaning, but it's still very much science fiction, clearly inspired by John Carpenter's classic films.
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For The Democracy!
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In the 10 years since the release of The Great War, the concept of Valiant Hearts: Coming Home hasn't improved in any way, but has even gotten worse due to its secondary nature and lack of fire.
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Eiyuden Chronicle - Hundred Heroes is a large-scale and colorful JRPG with interesting characters, addictive plot and unique missions. And only the slow pace of the narrative can scare away players
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To have a genuine love for Dragon's Dogma 2 can be a challenge. And yet, despite its many shortcomings, it's really, really hard not to love it.
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Ninja Theory has failed to take a noticeable step forward since the original. In Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, the developers buried the original idea of mixing mythology and mental disorders, giving their own variation of God of War. The sequel turned out to be linear and very colorful. However, the primitive gameplay and absolutely empty ending leave the player exhausted and disappointed.
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As of right now Die by the Blade feels like an early access title marked as a full-fledged release. There's a huge ways in which the game can be improved. Here's hoping that by the time of console ports developers will turn their project into something much better.
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My Destiny Girls is a fun dating simulator with cute heroines, tons of funny situations, good English subtitles, and a rich plot that is the envy of many Korean doramas.
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We hope that discounts and word of mouth will allow this great, unique strategy game to gain the popularity it deserves.
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Rise of the Ronin surpasses Ghost of Tsushima in many aspects (with the exception of graphics), while offering a highly entertaining slice of Japanese history. And the high level of variation and the plethora of options make Ubisoft managers cry in the closet.
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To put it bluntly, INDIKA is a pretentious nothing. A theatrical production with a poorly written idea tried to put it in the form of a game, which is severely lacking both story and gameplay.
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