Gamersky's Reviews
Dark Souls 3 is wrapped in happiness in layers of pain, careful taste can often be repeatedly defeated, and finally get unprecedented sense of achievement and satisfaction.
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Quantum Break is a game of innovation.
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Dishonored 2 is the richest, most refined and probably most personality first-person sneak game of our time.
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There is no doubt that Sid Meier's Civilization Ⅵ: Rise and Fall became much more completed than the original version, and you can map out a lot of new strategies that could be interesting or crazy. I already can't stand playing Civ 6 without the DLC now.
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Candleman: The Complete Journey is a pretty zen game with a very attractive core design of puzzles. Using 10 seconds of light to find a way out is always full of expectation, especially the producer made the graphics extremely artistic and beautiful, which reminds me some former masterpieces like Journey or Monument Valley. Besides, I am really into the story about the self-redemption of this little candleman.
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The Evil Within 2 is a brilliant survival adventure.
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As the latest generation of Sonic series, Sonic Forces remains the high-speed game experience. To comply with the trend of the time, Sonic Forces reduce the difficulty, hoping using this strategy will attract new players who have never tried this kind of game. Unfortunately, the length is not good enough to satisfy players, and too much repeat content makes this game boring.
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Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 is a very stereotyped Lego game. Most of the gameplay part can be found in other Lego series, and the difficulty of this game obviously cannot satisfy hardcore gamers. However, this game is good enough for the target audience. Maybe we do not need to focus on the overall quality, fun and happiness is the key to its own value.
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Comparing to the original version, you barely can find any difference in Ultra Sun/Moon. The good part is, USUM keeps the advantages of SM, while the bad part is, many previous faults can still be found in USUM. This is an expansion with no sincerity.
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Black Mirror is a very traditional adventure game. It has some remarkable moments in its narration and puzzle parts, yet boring pace, terrible characterization, clumsy mission design, and tons of bugs have destroyed the experience of the game. But of course, considering we barely can see this kind of games nowadays, we still recommend you to try it, if you are a big fan of AVGs.
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The second DLC provides more things to play and experience than the last one, with new combat, new puzzles, new areas to explore, and new story to dig.
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As a hardcore RPG, Seven shows us a realistic cyber punk world in a very creative way. It looks like a good game, but a lot of serious bugs and defects of gameplay have ruined it. This game had a nice idea and frame, while the producers failed to make it right.
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Okami HD is a great opportunity for those who never had a chance to try this masterpiece when the original version was released in the last generation to experience the fantastic journey full of traditional Japanese culture in a high graphic performance.
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The evaluation of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is doomed to be polarized. It has many advantages, and can attract a lot of players. Meanwhile, there are plenty of terrible design that cannot be understood in it too, such as lengthy game pace, tedious missions and boring combat. To love or to hate, that is a question.
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Due to the different scenario settings, Life is Strange: Before the Storm has to abandon the rewind system which is the most interesting part of the original LiS game. Therefore, this prequel might lack the originality and interactive quality. Luckily, Before the Storm only takes three chapters to tell audience a brilliant story. And the characterization of two different girls Chole and Rachel is impressive. Like the original story, the finale chapter is a mess. But still, Before the Storm is just a simple love story. Maybe most of the player will not judge the logical problem as a very serious faultiness.
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Hello Neighbor is a complete mess with tons of bugs, stupid AI and confusing storyline. The performance is even worse than the demo version.
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Along with the publishing of 1.0 version, we also get a new desert map, a very practical playback function and many other updates. The completion of PUBG is now higher than ever. However, the connection quality is still bad sometime, and the cheaters are still everywhere in this game. PUBG has a long distance to go before it can be praised as perfect.
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This title successfully combines the diverse characteristics of two classic games. The key puzzle logic of Portal is now perfectly presented in the world of Bridge Constructor. Although we can find some annoying defects, this game is still worth a try, if you are a fan of any one of this two series.
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The first look of Gorogoa might remind you the gameplay of Framed and Monument Valley, but once you get into this game, you will find out Gorogoa provides a special experience, using a mass of creative interacting logic that is different from any other games. Even the most hardcore puzzle gamers can be moved by this great work.
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Including prequel game To the Moon, works from Freebird Games are always highly personalized and artistic. Gameplay is not one of the goals that they want to archive. They just eager to tell audience an affecting story. And of course, Finding Paradise is a huge success.
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