GAMES.CH's Reviews
SL Pro Series Tour does what good DLCs should do: expand and improve the base game. The design of the new areas in particular is convincing, as is the freedom gained with the introduction of the turning manoeuvre. "SL Pro Series Tour" is a successful add-on package that is a must-buy for owners of the game. Interested parties have never had a better opportunity to try skateboarding in virtual reality.
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Seen as a whole, however, we would have liked - precisely because the brand is so well known - a little more love for the license, especially in the level of detail and the variety of animations as well as the lip sync of the German voice acting. Kids from the age of 7 or with more game experience will also complain about the overall hardly challenging level of difficulty as well as the main missions, which are a bit too repetitive in terms of structure. However, 4- to 6-year-olds should be less bothered by this. They have a lot of fun with "Paw Patrol World". Or as one of our testers would say: "Dad, this game is really great!"
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But what if you're brand new to the Persona series? Then we actually recommend you to get started with "Persona 5 Royal", the latest version of "Persona 5". Since the games do not build on each other and each devour 80 hours of play, it is worth getting started with the most modern and beginner-friendly offshoot. Then you can focus on the classic titles.
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But what if you're brand new to the Persona series? Then we actually recommend you to get started with "Persona 5 Royal", the latest version of "Persona 5". Since the games do not build on each other and each devour 80 hours of play, it is worth getting started with the most modern and beginner-friendly offshoot. Then you can focus on the classic titles.
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At the end of the day, Across the Valley is a tech demo to show a newcomer to VR. There is no material for long-term motivation and therefore it is not recommended except as a showcase.
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No, in its current state we cannot recommend "Tennis On-Court". While the game has a lot of potential, it's not the first time in PS VR2's young history that a half-finished game has been released at launch. It will be interesting to see if the developers are willing to implement the necessary improvements.
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Don't buy this game – at least yet! Star Wars Battlefront – Classic Collection is a troubled remake of beloved shooter-games. Server-issues, bugs and other problems harm the overall experience and overshadow the otherwise solid retro-gameplay.
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Tintin Reporter could have been a solid mixture of Adventure and action game. But there is not just a huge number of minor bugs and continuous performance issues that separates the game from a neat score. There are also some fatal bugs leading to an explicit warning not to buy Tintin Reporter until the crucial problems might have been solved.
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AEW Fight Forever turns out to be a huge letdown. The overall experience suffers from the lack of gameplay-polish and the amount of bugs and glitches. While the game delivers some high recognition-value, it fails to live up to the promise of delivering a nostalgic arcade-wrestling-game.
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The humor and the stylish transition of South Park into the third dimension are two things, most fans will like. Unfortunately behind that, Snow Day isn't a good game. The co-op action is not totally free of fun, but the lack of diverse gameplay and especially the absence of precise controls make it a game, even South Park fans do not need to play.
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The Nintendo Switch version of the Farming Simulator brings some of the new features of its "big brother“ like seasons or production chains on a lowered level. Beside that and some new comfort features, that simultaneously reduce your freedom, the game is a disappointment not just concerning its weak quality into graphics and performance. If you're a fan of the series, you might be able to overlook some of the issues, but impossibly all of them.
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We were really looking forward to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III campaign. Above all, the concept of open combat zones sounded promising. After our almost 6-hour first playthrough, however, we unfortunately have to admit that we had set our expectations far too high. If you exclude a few highlights such as the London and the missile bunker infiltration mission, then the "MW III" campaign turns out to be a clear step backwards compared to the two previous spin-offs and also the original "Modern Warfare" trilogy.
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Nintendo didn't provide review codes for "Fashion Dreamer" until release day. No, it's not because the title is that bad, it's just because the online mode didn't work before. Do you want to be challenged, do you expect a complex game system or the best graphics possible on Switch? Then "Fashion Dreamer" will certainly not meet your expectations. However, if you like relaxed gaming experiences, have a soft spot for fashion and rather simplistic life simulations, then "Fashion Dreamer" could be just your thing and you can easily add ten to fifteen points to our rating.
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It's heartbreaking because the project is courageous and good approaches are recognizable. However, the technical problems are hard to ignore, as is the stale gameplay. Still, we think the game is worth a look for fans of the franchise, if only because of the story.
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Arkane Studio's Redfall stretches the very definition of what a finished game should be. It's unfinished, unpolished and uninspired in almost every regard. It feels like a dye prototype years from a full release. The few moments of Arkane's magic, when visual design of the vampires, some fun weapons and frantic co-op gameplay come together are quickly overshadowed by catastrophic bugs, bad performance and an empty-lifeless shell of a game.
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The Last Oricru is undoubtedly flawed, but underneath a rough exterior and a multitude of bugs and glitches hides a videogame made with clear passion, focusing more on an engaging story with many branching paths rather than a particularly deep combat system or polished looks. The addition of local and online co-op is remarkable and while online co-op brings with it a whole new flood of potential bugs and lag, local multiplayer works remarkably well. With a few patches and the right audience that enjoys flawed but inspired games like Elex or Greedfall, this can become a diamond in the rough.
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Ufouria: The Saga 2 leaves you with mixed feelings, even if you can get something out of the cute felt graphics and nostalgic fans will certainly get their money's worth, the game does have some negative points. Unfortunately, the music is absolutely annoying and for inexperienced jump and run players, the game experience quickly becomes repetitive and frustrating. It is therefore only recommended for experienced or very patient players.
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Unfortunately, the plot and characters don't come close to the predecessor.
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"Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash" actually has all the ingredients for a great anime fighting game: A fantastic template with tons of cracking action, likeable characters, a great visual style and an exciting story in a rich world. It's all the more disappointing that the game as a whole makes so little of it.
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The saying "Firstly, things turn out differently and secondly, than you think" pretty much describes our time with "Ghostbusters: Rise of the Ghost Lord VR". Neither the setting nor the gameplay were able to captivate us for long. It's fun to do the same with the ghosts, and we had some fun moments in the cooperative mode. However, the gameplay wear and tear is too great to justify the full price.
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