GameSpot's Reviews
If you're into action games, or even if you're not, you should be playing Quake right now - it's as good as PC gaming gets.
It's derivative, it's violent, and definitely tasteless at times - but it's almost always fun.
Psychonauts doesn't reinvent the platformer, but it still delivers an experience that feels wholly original in every aspect of its execution.
A superb single-player story mode and online support for up to 16 players make this the best Grand Theft Auto game yet.
This fast and exciting racer continually finds a way to keep you circling around for another lap.
Fun combat and great looks make DC Universe Online entertaining for a while, though various limitations keep it from being a long-term destination.
Bastion is a wonderfully diverse game that offers up a great deal of flexibility in how you approach its many challenges.
Snappy aesthetics and a novel hero make Edge a nifty platformer.
The absorbing tactical battles haven't evolved much, but a great cast of characters and consistently funny writing keep Disgaea 4 entertaining.
Fez has pitfalls you have to accept if you're going to enjoy this adventure. Technical problems, baffling map design, and obtuse puzzles can serve as a serious barrier to entry. But it's worth putting up with the missteps for the wondrous adventure that awaits. Fez goes far deeper than the simple platformer it initially appears as, and figuring out the solutions to the many puzzles is an experience that harks back to a time when games weren't scared of taking off the leash and letting you run wild. Invest time in Fez's colorful world, and enjoy the wealth of incredible ideas buried within.
A gripping narrative and an irresistible atmosphere of spine-tingling dread make Lone Survivor a compelling horror experience.
Resident Evil: Raccoon City is a substandard port of a poor co-op shooter.
Torchlight II is a lovely, well-crafted game. Its colorful and inviting world is a pleasure to explore. The eclectic soundtrack provides an alternately haunting and energizing accompaniment to your exploits. The classes are distinctive, and each has a terrific assortment of skills. To top it all off, this sizable and thoroughly satisfying game is a great value.
Lucius has an intriguing premise, but some not-so-original adventure-game flaws.
Multiplayer shines brightly alongside a short but dynamic campaign in the tower offense sequel Anomaly 2.
The Night of the Rabbit is a beautiful adventure with only a few pacing and puzzle quirks to trip you up along the way.
There's little in Bleed that hasn't been seen before. But even though it hasn't reinvented how we kill baddies in two dimensions, it's still a fun and satisfying adventure.
Race the Sun is an elegant endeavor, pairing slick action and stiff challenge with systems that make you want to come back day after day.
As Spelunky makes its way to the PC, the rewards and dangers are just as alluring as they were one year ago.
Stellar writing and a host of small improvements help Borderlands 2 stand tall on the shoulders of its predecessor.