Guardian's Reviews
Its elegance, precision, humour, and challenge make Bloodborne irresistible. Ultimately, the horror is secondary; wonder is the true transfusion on offer here.
Cry 4 truly shines in the almost bacchanalian sense of freedom it bestows on the player as they traverse through its environment. In Kyrat you have the ability to go anywhere and do pretty much anything – much as Pagan Min would advocate. Here, the only pact you need keep is that with your conscience. God help you.
Stunning landscapes with dizzying visual detail, and a tool that lets you record and edit in-game footage and upload it to YouTube, puts this open-world game lightyears ahead of its competitors
Although saddled with an instantly forgettable title, Shadow of Mordor works hard to bring fun and life to the Tolkien universe – and manages both spectacularly
It's a baby step rather than a leap towards perfection. Fifa 15 is still not entirely flawless, but then who cares when it's already the new best football simulation ever?
It is surprising, and not a little depressing, that all people want to talk about with this game is the running time.
Rayman Legends feels more polished and looks even richer than its already stunning predecessor. As far as pure platformers go this generation, you'll be hard pressed trying to find one better than this.
This vast fantasy adventure combines sophisticated storytelling with an expansive and richly conceived world
To some, Super Mario may appear tired: a mascot whom Nintendo trots out every few years to sell another console with repackaged but fundamentally stale ideas. Super Mario 3D World is a fierce rebuttal to the accusation. Mario and his makers once again assert their dominance of spatial navigation games, displaying a rude abundance of ideas to delight, surprise and celebrate innocence and playfulness.
It's a great end to a challenging and scenically beautiful journey.
Crypt of the Necrodancer may not be for everyone, but if the idea of a steamy love-in between two seemingly incompatible genres turns you on, you're gonna love it.
Rocket League is simply a joy to play, win or lose. And with friends? Wow. This is the most fun you'll ever have behind the wheel of a rocket powered football playing car.
Intuitive controls, beautiful circuits, and a perfectly realigned power-up system – Mario Kart 8 has set out to top the 1992 original
Arkham Knight triumphs as a richly empowering comic book fantasy that sees its hero fail almost as much as he succeeds, making him the most believable, the most occasionally unlikeable, and ultimately the most heroic he's ever been.
Japan's Platinum Games has done it again, applying style and flourish to a control system of immense depth and assurance
Game designer Hidetaki Miyazaki no longer has novelty on his side, but the genius behind the Souls series still has plenty of tricks to surprise us with
Pro Evolution Soccer has closed the gap on its long-standing rival, but myriad teams and features keep this the season's standout player
Fumito Ueda's PlayStation title has been a decade in the making. From the game's exquisite animation to its emotional intelligence, it has been worth the wait
Latest in long running high-school franchise boasts characters as deeply written and well observed as a multi-season TV series
Nathan Drake returns for one last treasure hunt, resulting in a beautiful and exciting gaming experience that transcends it flaws