Kotaku's Reviews
An entertaining if perosnality-light translation of Assassin's Creed from open-world 3D to linear 2D.
Because it's the perfect five-hour play session.
Mortal Kombat X deftly adds new characters, features and options while maintaining its signature over-the-top appeal.
Do you like hunting for a thing to unlock a door so you can find another thing to unlock another door? Then this is your game.
The most rewarding game experience I've had this year.
Just the type of console Final Fantasy we needed after all those years of Lightning.
A messy but fun shooter that struggles to combine military tools with police life.
A solid multiplayer experience that's fun to play over and over again until you've mastered it.
A thrilling zombie adventure that makes me remember what I love about Dead Island and forget what I hated.
Epic in scope but carefully crafted down to the smallest character moment. A generous, joyful fantasy.
A great sequel, if not a true next act, for Far Cry.
An improvement to the GTA formula set on the densest, most interesting, best-loooking piece of terrain Rockstar has ever crafted.
Sony's third create-em-up peaks with the most for creators, but least for players.
Less Batman, more Green Lantern. This is good.
A high tech upgrade completely refreshes the tired Call of Duty formula.
It's more Peggle, only prettier.
Functions equally well as an intense horror game and a heartfelt tribute to the first Alien film.
With more personality than ever before and a narrow focus on the new toys, it's the perfect time to play a perfect platformer without being overwhelmed by years of toy releases.
An inventive and thoroughly enjoyable adventure that honors the legacy of its fiction while simultaneously expanding its boundaries.
If you have Watch Dogs... if you like the core gameplay of Watch Dogs... then, yes, but mainly for the co-op.