Morgan Park
Ubisoft’s unusual multiplayer shooter has gotten better with age
Though, it’s clear from the start that the story is not what you come into Hitman for. It’s a game about its gameplay and the choices afforded to the player, and season 1 delivered near flawlessly. IO Interactive has built a framework that they can keep building on for years to come here, and we can’t wait to dive back into more missions in season 2.
Combat doesn’t feel like Jotun’s priority, even though it defines the most exciting parts of the game. It’s an experience that puts style before substance, and asks its players that they do the same.
One Way Trip was an extremely hard story to find any fun in. Its biggest asset, the strikingly accurately-written “California bro” dialogue, is offensively overused to the point of exhaustion.
And with a fascinating narrative that explores themes few games have ever touched, you’ll be constantly enthralled by the philosophical debates between a human and an AI just as often as you’ll be frustrated by a puzzle for designing around the simple solution you had in your head.
The best sequels improve from its predecessors in every important way, and this is sometimes true in Grow Up, but it’s mostly more of the same in a bigger space. That isn’t a bad thing, because it’s a ton of fun, but I was left with a sense of finality for B.
10 Second Ninja X is best described as a fantastic podcast game. That is to say, it’s the perfect game to play while you might be doing other things, like watching a show or listening to music.