Party Crashers
Critic Reviews for Party Crashers
undefined.Those fault lines make it more difficult to give a recommendation quite as glowing as the cars and Tron-like gridlines, but Party Crashers earns its keep with its simple, self-confident gameplay, variety of choices given on how you want to play, and concise match play that encourages passing the controller. For those not extra sensitive to framerate hiccups or occasionally cheap AI and have some buddies to play with, Party Crashers has enough tread on the tires to warrant several runs around the track.
As far as party games are concerned, Party Crashers fits quite nicely into anyone's collection.
If you’re looking for a party game with the just the right amount of action and style, Party Crashers will not disappoint. While its difficulty may scare off some players, the sheer amount of fun and charm bursting from this game will definitely be bringing them back.
Playing Party Crashers fills me with disappointment not just because I’m witnessing a type of racer I have a fondness for done poorly, but because of the wasted potential on display. A Micro-Machines type racer would be a fantastic addition to the Switch library but sadly the wait for a worthy attempt will have to continue. Party Crashers is a flat out crash.
One great holdover from their first title is the visual aesthetic that borrows a bit from the likes of TRON, giving the game a somewhat futuristic look...