Turbo Overkill Reviews

Turbo Overkill is ranked in the 99th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
Aug 10, 2023

Absurd, unrelenting and endlessly creative, Turbo Overkill is a masterfully composed symphony of violence.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 11, 2023

Turbo Overkill loses itself in its constant push for escalation. It’s often not as clever as it thinks it is, and there’s a real sense of quantity over quality. Packing in more mechanics is certainly a type of progress, but a better focus on fewer concepts probably would have elevated the game as a whole. As it is, it’s still a perfectly fun time, and I’d be completely willing to revisit it in a sequel, but it just doesn’t quite climb to the lofty top of the retro-inspired scrap heap.

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Aug 10, 2023

Now it's left early access, Turbo Overkill is a retro-styled FPS where copious mutants make excellent grind rails for your chainsaw leg, but its momentum gets bruised by its longer run-time.

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85 / 100
May 12, 2022

If you enjoyed the fast and frantic pace of Doom Eternal, this game will scratch the very same FPS itch.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2023

Turbo Overkill puts petal to the metal and doesn't let up, providing a fresh and bombastic retro-inspired FPS experience.

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10 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2023

By just about every single metric for evaluating a boomer shooter, Turbo Overkill excels and delivers in spades. I had a near limitless amount of agency to play as I want and still enjoy a boomer shooter experience without frills, gimmicks, and other artificial difficulty spikes. It oozes creativity while taking players on an exhilarating ride through a cyberpunk apocalypse. It's the perfect blend of gore, seriousness, and silliness. Turbo Overkill is a literal spectacle of unfettered, high-octane boomer shooter gameplay. Call it a symphony of destruction, mayhem, gore, and violence. Call it bloody good fun. Call it whatever you want, really, so long as fun is somewhere in that mix. The world of Turbo Overkill is one worth exploring and desecrating with Johnny Turbo's chainsaw leg.

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9 / 10
Sep 6, 2023

With a name like Turbo Overkill, one is correct to assume that it is full of that cheesy madness, which is exactly what it delivers as it fully embraces the Boomer Shooter subgenre.

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9 / 10
Sep 25, 2023

Turbo Overkill is full of non-stop madness, adrenaline, blood and gore. You can't find anything like it, anywhere on the market.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2023

The nostalgic action ride will mainly be enjoyed by veterans, but every lover of the genre should give it a chance, because it is very addictive.

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10 / 10.0
Aug 27, 2023

I gotta tell you, Turbo Overkill is perfect. Every last bit of it.

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9.5 / 10.0
Aug 28, 2023

By understanding and amplifying what makes classic shooters so fun, Turbo Overkill proves to be a very entertaining and, honestly, essential piece of work for fans of the Boomer Shooter subgenre. Agile and surprising like few titles on the market, Johnny Turbo's journey proves that shoot first and ask questions later still works very well in the world of games. Who wins with this is us, the players.

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Aug 30, 2023

It lacks a compelling story, and its efforts to vary things up are not always successful, but Turbo Overkill is a consistently exciting and often great-looking shooter. Like Cultic, it is a startling example of how much can be achieved by a one-person developer. Fans of retro shooters, so well catered to in recent years, should be sure to find time to spend time with Johnny Turbo.

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70 / 100
Aug 11, 2023

In wrapping up, Turbo Overkill delivers a distinctive fusion of humour, breakneck action, and imaginative gameplay mechanics for a boomer shooter. While this throwback FPS boasts numerous strengths including its concept, humour, and visual flair, it doesn't come without certain challenges, particularly in terms of level design, controls, and potential spikes in difficulty.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 10, 2023

Turbo Overkill is a dark and grungy FPS adventure from Trigger Happy Interactive that takes advantage of its scenario to provide hours of interesting and exciting levels. The fast-paced movement and variety of ways to defeat your enemies almost make up for some of the slower moments as you try to figure out where to go. However, these issues are minimal and FPS fans are sure to enjoy it nonetheless.

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