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Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power

Aug 20, 2015 - PC

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

No Recommendation
Metro GameCentral
6 / 10
7 / 10
Nintendo Life
6 / 10
40 / 100
Push Square
5 / 10
65 / 100
8 / 10
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Trine 3 The Artifacts of Power Gameplay Trailer #1 thumbnail

Trine 3 The Artifacts of Power Gameplay Trailer #1

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Screenshot 1
Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power


No Recommendation / Blank

Trine 3's vibrant world and creative physics puzzles are as appealing as ever, but the transition to 3D is a painful one.

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The move into 3D has produced some staggeringly pretty visuals, but when it comes to the controls and running time this usually enjoyable action puzzler suffers badly as a result.

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Artifacts of Power hits most of the right marks. . . . At the same time, there's a feeling that the game lost something when it went fully 3D.

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Nintendo Life

Ollie Reynolds
6 / 10
Nintendo Life

Trine 3: Artifacts of Power is by no means a bad game. It's visuals are exemplary, the characters charming and delightful, and the overall tone of the game is very well suited to the Switch. Unfortunately, in transitioning over to fully 3D environments, the poor depth perception and limited sense of progression really hurts the experience. If you enjoy collecting items, there's just about enough here to warrant a purchase, but everyone else would be wise to hold off until the upcoming Trine 4.

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Trine 3 is an incomplete mess that feels like the game's creators just ran out of time (despite four months in Steam Early Access). The graphics, art style, and landscapes are stunning, but aren't enough to make Trine 3 a game worth your time.

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We extend our sympathies toward Frozenbyte since Trine 3's weaknesses are due to unforeseen costs that exceeded its budget, but this doesn't alter the reality of the game's state. While it may surpass expectations as a picturesque fairy tale come to life with a lovely score and promising tale, your childlike wonder will fade and be cut short due to abrupt closure, trite puzzle-solving, and dumbed-down gameplay that spells a fumble for this middling entry.

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Trine 3: the Artifacts of Power, in its current state, is an unfinished game. Priced at $23.99 with little chance of completion, and no confirmation from the developer on whether the story will ever be finished, the result is a tough sell. And one that I can't recommend buying into.

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Trine 3 is an absolutely charming and wonderful game. If you have two other friends and want to play this together, it's absolutely a must. Even with its shorter game time, the amount of fun and charm you'll have with friends can't be beat.

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