ZTGD's Reviews
Deathloop is an interesting game that is worth checking out. Coupled with the fact that the game is now available on Game Pass as well as PlayStation’s equivalent make it a no-brainer to try out. Arkane continues to deliver some truly unique experiences and now the game is finally available for owners of either new console to try. Don’t sleep on this game, even if like me you are not the biggest fan of this genre, Deathloop breaks the mold and is a ton of fun to play.
How do I review something that I can barely play? I suppose I can start by not recommending it as that section is so brutally unfair that it’s not fun.
This episode does a good job of progressing what has already happened, and what is about to occur. I am invested at this point, I have to know how it unfolds, but the wait for the fourth entry is not as painful.
Children of Arkham delivers a great follow-up to the original episode, while also cleaning up the pace and some of the technical issues. I am more invested now than after the first episode, and am excited to see how things develop. Telltale has crafted a unique take on the Dark Knight, with characters taking on new roles, making it interesting for fans of the character. I am extremely excited to see where this story ends up.
The first entry in Bruce Wayne’s tale is not a bad one. I enjoyed the setup, and hope the rest of the series delivers on that payoff. I just wonder how long between episodes I will have to wait to figure out if this Batman story is worth the price of admission.
Noble additions to the core game, and anyone just picking up the game with the season pass for the first time will take the content at face value, as it mixes in with the core game as if it’s simple a part of it. That in line is part of the problem with the first two content drops. They feel as if they could have been free or minor updates to the core game.
Noble additions to the core game, and anyone just picking up the game with the season pass for the first time will take the content at face value, as it mixes in with the core game as if it’s simple a part of it. That in line is part of the problem with the first two content drops. They feel as if they could have been free or minor updates to the core game.
It’s all here. Fans of Pokémon will be in familiar territory while newcomers will have a great time learning the ropes. It never deviates from the norm too much, but what X and Y does and does brilliantly, is the improvements to connectivity and game progression. Sure, it may feel the same, but it is so refined, that hardcore players will see past it. With more monsters than I can count, and an improved online and overall experience, Nintendo has proven that Pokémon is still alive and well, and with X and Y, anyone with a 3DS should play it. It really is the best Pokémon game I have ever played.
As a standalone package, Hitman's Intro Pack is more than worth the $15, and it is plenty to inform players if they are going to want more of it. The problem is that, again we are paying for a promise of content, as opposed to the actual content. I am sure IO Interactive will deliver the goods, but it is a weird time we live in.
Transformers: Devastation is a fantastic trip down memory lane for fans of the Generation One cartoon. As a video game, the combat is extremely satisfying, if not a tad repetitious. This game feels incomplete in some areas, like there should simply be more of it. That makes it hard to recommend to anyone not completely gaga over the cartoon. However, for anyone who grew up with Prime and Megatron constantly butting heads, this is a must-have title. I just hope Platinum gets the time to do a proper sequel, and really flesh out the incredible template they have created.
Save big collector’s editions to Strictly Limited and let ININ handle the complete versions for release. Change the cover art or something between the two releases but maintain the same game on both carts. Even a full removal of the ININ physical release for a digital only release outside of Strictly Limited’s physical release would be welcomed if it meant I got to experience the full collection. Just be upfront too: explain that you’re the same company handling different release methods. If certain games come with a limited licensing deal be upfront with that information. Mistakes are going to happen, so why choose to make them.
Gene Rain is one of those games that has the potential of having the "it's so bad, it's good" stamp on it, but actually playing the game is a frustrating chore that many will turn off after about 30 minutes.
The very worst offense of it all is that normally, when a game is bad, I would have to suffer through it once and get to move on. In the case of Loop8, it forced me to experience the same exact terrible content over and over again by its very design, breeding a sense of resentment towards a game I haven’t felt in a very long time.
I hate to be overtly negative about any videogame, but Road Rage is a classic example of a game that just disappoints on almost every level.
Troll and I was a miserable experience in just about every way imaginable. There are technical problems abound and the sum parts of its design baffle. Don't play it out of curiosity, you won't enjoy it.
Simply put, this is a cash in the likes of which I’ve hardly seen. I usually find some redeeming qualities in a movie tie in, even if it’s lacking. Here I’m not seeing much of any redeeming qualities, at all. There was one check mark that Activision most likely needed to ensure when creating this game and that was keeping the franchise license from expiring.
I’m not one to really trash on games and I give most the benefit of the doubt, but I found about zero redeeming qualities in Coffin Dodgers. It’s got poorly designed, simplistic tracks, N64 like graphics, grating sound and music, floaty controls, and the only slight interest was the premises of it all, which it does absolutely nothing interesting with. The game works and I didn’t have any glitches so there is that much, but that’s about all I can say positively.
Avoid this game like a well used litter tray; it’s more of a dog than a cat!
Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma: Vol. 1 is a bad, bad game. I hope the developers take note and fix these issues before releasing the next two volumes, but it almost feels beyond broken. I wanted to love it, I tried to love it, but at the end of the day it just shattered my dreams of continuing the series. Let's hope the original gets backwards compatibility on Xbox One soon. I am really dying to dive back into this world, just not with this abomination of a game.
Tennis World Tour is a mess of a game.