ZTGD's Reviews
While I can most definitively say that Akiba's Beat is a marked improvement over its predecessor, I can't help but feel that in its aspiration to become like the much beloved Persona and Tales series, it has lost an identity of its own. Despite its improvements, with the stellar lineup of games all bidding for your time this year, it's hard to recommend Akiba's Beat over its superior alternatives.
Bastion is the epitome of why XBLA alone is worth owning an Xbox 360 for. The game defines what passionate developers can accomplish on the platform, and if you appreciate old-school design with a modern twist, not playing this game could be considered a crime. It has so much to love and is one of the few games I was not ready to be over when the credits rolled. The Summer of Arcade starts off with a massive bang, and I suggest everyone give this one a go when it lands this week.
For what is a very reasonable price of 800MSP, Fez is a game that will give you hours of gameplay. There are still questions unanswered, even with the collective mind of the internet, so who knows how much the game has to offer. I do know that, even now, you will get a lot of enjoyment and frustration from this game if you are at all interested in puzzles. The cuteness and originality far exceeded my first expectations, and bodes for an overall excellent game.
Simply put, Torchlight II is a phenomenal game.
If you have played Okami before, or if you are interested in it now that the remake is here, there is no doubt in my mind, you really need to pick this game up. I usually don’t say this, but this is more of an experience than it is a game. The story is charming, the visuals are beautiful, and the presentation makes me smile from ear to ear. This is one of the better HD upgrades and well worth the time and money. I can not suggest Okami enough.
One of the best things about Resident Evil 6 is its immense amount of content. The game is packed with four campaigns, playable in online and split-screen co-op. That alone is 20+ hours of content, even if only experienced once. Factor in all the online modes, and the experience is more than worth its price tag. Fans looking to scratch the survival horror itch will likely still not come away impressed by the direction the series has taken. Resident Evil has become more of an action-horror game; a change I have welcomed with open arms.
Night of the Rabbit gives off that classic feel. I know I have said that multiple times in this review but really, that’s the only way I can put it. There are no flashy quick time events or fast moving story parts; it is a somewhat slow burn with a decent story and wonderful presentation. It has a lot of charm, and I praise it for that. While the puzzles can become frustratingly difficult with not much reward, the mysterious story had me coming back. Fans of adventure games will find their fill with Night of the Rabbit, and the visuals don’t hurt either.
There's no doubt in my mind that Neverwinter is most certainly a fun game to play, standing proudly amongst the other F2P MMOs as one of the front liners. However, the suspect use of the F2P model along with a linear, unimaginative quest progression and a lack of good end game content make me feel it still has much to grow before I can proclaim it to be the F2P that completely wiped away the stigma they hold in today's game market.
The game unfortunately has no multiplayer of any kind. It's a real bummer because I think it would have benefited from it. It's going to be a solo run for players. Still, the game can last well into the four hour mark if not more.
Being a three-year old game, Lords of Shadow still feels fresh. This adventure is just as much fun as I remember it, and digging back into it only furthers my excitement for the sequel.
It’s all here. Fans of Pokémon will be in familiar territory while newcomers will have a great time learning the ropes. It never deviates from the norm too much, but what X and Y does and does brilliantly, is the improvements to connectivity and game progression. Sure, it may feel the same, but it is so refined, that hardcore players will see past it. With more monsters than I can count, and an improved online and overall experience, Nintendo has proven that Pokémon is still alive and well, and with X and Y, anyone with a 3DS should play it. It really is the best Pokémon game I have ever played.
Knack is a charming romp, but not one I could recommend shelling out full price for.
Super Mario 3D World justifies a Wii U. It is rare these days that there is one game to make a console worthy of purchase, but I cannot express how much pure fun I had with this title. If you own a Wii U it is a no-brainer, you should own this game. If you don't own one, but have considered buying one, this is the game that makes it all worthwhile.
If you have a PS4 and you enjoy a more methodical FPS and want to see some really pretty visuals, Shadow Fall is a good choice.
Need for Speed: Rivals is one of the most impressive launch games for PS4. It is very pretty visually, and it has enough content to keep players busy for quite some time. There are some drawbacks to its design, but nothing that will derail the fun. For those looking for that next-gen racing experience…well this is really your only option on PS4. But I am glad it is an option, because it is incredibly impressive and fun.
For those who never played A Link to the Past, A Link Between Worlds is simply an exceptional game. For those like me who have fond memories of the original though, it feels like a carefully crafted love letter. Being able to explore an old world with a new twist was an absolute treat, and I loved visiting places and characters that I remembered from before, as well as discovering new ones. From the first musical notes of the opening to the last boss fight, the game is classic Zelda, and as soon as I finished it I was ready to start all over again. Simply put it’s one of the best games available on the 3DS or anywhere else, and it’s a must play.
Firaxis has done it again, and when I thought after losing an entire squad of my best soldiers was enough to make me quit the game forever, I realized I still had enough Meld to make another mech trooper. Yeah, I had to keep playing. If you're looking to get back into XCOM, you just found the one reason to.
If you haven't had the chance to pick up Injustice yet and own a PS4, this is the best version to get. If you enjoyed the original game and are looking for a fighter on your new system, you can't really go wrong here.
Madden NFL 25 is a ton of fun on its own, but certainly not worth the double dip. If you held out this long, go ahead and grab it. All the features are there, and if you have Xbox One (or both machines) CoachGlass is worth it on that system alone.
The story begins as a terrifyingly handsome (or sexy, if you prefer) face appears on the sun and iota begins his quest to deliver a message to you, the sun.