ZTGD's Reviews
I would say it's a must play for anyone old enough to remember blowing on a cartridge, but that would be selling it short. Nostalgia certainly enhances the experience, but this is a great game for anyone.
Dragon Age: Inquisition hits every RPG itch I had, and on top of that, creates yet another world I want to get lost in for hours. Do yourself a favor and pick up the best RPG of the year.
I could spend pages raving about how good The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is. Rarely do I hand out this score, and I think that speaks volumes about this game. This is easily one of the best games of 2015, but beyond that it is the best fantasy RPG I have played to date, alongside being the best open-world game since Rockstar's phenomenal Red Dead Redemption. This game is a must own, it is worth buying one of these new consoles (or a hefty PC if you have the cash). It will take something special to replace this game for years to come.
Super Mario 3D World justifies a Wii U. It is rare these days that there is one game to make a console worthy of purchase, but I cannot express how much pure fun I had with this title. If you own a Wii U it is a no-brainer, you should own this game. If you don't own one, but have considered buying one, this is the game that makes it all worthwhile.
I highly recommend #IDARB, and this comes from someone that doesn't play sports games, yet I knew the moment I yelled at my TV during a slow motion instant replay victory, this was special. #IDARB will be a social favorite for years to come.
Super Mario Maker sets out to give back to the players, to create their own Mario levels, and to share with the world, and it does exactly that. This is a dream come true for Mario fans and anyone with a penchant for designing their own platformers.
I truly believe Dark Souls 3 is the best Souls experience a player can get out of the franchise. Newcomers can jump in, old fans will experience lots of ties to the previous games both visually and lore wise, and if this is indeed the final Dark Souls game in the series, it went out with its monster arms swinging high! It's fitting that the end would come like this, not dead and buried but at the pinnacle of its hollowed life.
This is the best Uncharted game to date, and quite possibly one of the best games that will come out this generation.
Zelda is a once-a-generation title that I think no one should miss out on. Fans of the series will be in love, those that never managed to get into it will be enthralled. This is the next evolution of the series, and quite possibly one of the best games I have ever played. Do not miss this game.
It's been years since I've started writing reviews for ZTGD but even after all this time, I've actually never given out a perfect score to any game. There have been some that have come close, but in the end, I could always think of some notable flaw or a way the game could've been more enjoyable. In the case of Undertale, I can't think of one particular flaw or a way it could've been made more enjoyable. As is, it is as perfect as anything could be in this imperfect world of ours.
Forza Horizon 3 is one of the best racing games I have ever played, and somehow continues to prove that this series just keeps getting better. How Playground Games continues to make what already feels like the definitive arcade racing experience even better is beyond my comprehension. If you have any interest in racing games at all, this is a can’t miss title. Now if you will excuse me, I have some bucket list challenges to create.
I wish there was more I could say about the game. There is so much to discuss, but that would take away from the experience. Avoid spoilers, avoid videos of this game, just buy it, play it, and fall in love with this world the same way I did.
Wild West Rampage is still my favorite table by Zen Studios, but Rogue One is easily tied with Venom for my number two spot in the entire Zen Pinball repertoire. Any fan of Zen Pinball should not hesitate to pick this one up. It really is one of the standout tables in the library. I highly suggest it.
Shovel Knight is an amazing franchise I hope to see continue long into the future, and is one of the few games I have actually beaten more than two times in this sea of endless titles releasing. A must own.
God of War is, simply put, the best PS4 game I have played in the console's life-cycle. I can't stop thinking about its world and characters. I had so much fun exploring it and taking on its combat. I wanted more, and the game delivers. After having hesitations about the direction I thought the game was going, I am thrilled to report that all of my concerns were nullified within the first hour of the game. This is the true evolution of the series, and quite possibly the best game of the year. Well at least so far.
With beautiful graphics, a charming and emotive set of main characters, an amazing soundtrack, and wonderful gameplay Unravel Two is one of my favorite games to come out so far in 2018.
This game was fantastic and despite it only being January I can definitely see this as a game of the year contender. Spectacular work and a must have.
While I hope they give the 3D platformer another fair shake, I will be more than happy if Playtonic does more sidescrolling platformers in the future because The Impossible Lair is impossibly good.
Simply put, Torchlight II is a phenomenal game.
Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favorite games of the generation and a must play for anyone who loves open world adventures and Samurai lore.